Does Evangelism Make You Cringe?

What we’re trying to do with our Love Joburg Equipping course is shift the way you feel and what you perceive when you hear the word ‘evangelism’. This is the most used word to describe what we want to present as a lifestyle of sharing your life of faith with others. But does the word ‘evangelism’ make you cringe? Does it make you worry? Does it remind you of something you don’t like? What picture appears in your mind when you think of evangelism?

The first thing to do is cover what evangelism isn’t. Here is a brief list to make you think:

  • Evangelism is not a sales pitch.

  • Evangelism is not apologetics (clever arguments about God). Apologetics has its place, but it’s not how most of us are wired.

  • Evangelism is not trying to make people into ‘church people’.

  • Evangelism is not convincing people that your church is ‘cooler’ or ‘nicer’ or ‘not like “those” other churches’ etc.

  • Evangelism is not the phrase, “Preach the Gospel, and if necessary use words.” It is both words and action.

  • Evangelism is not filling churches. Full churches are a result of people coming to Christ, but full churches are not the goal per se. The goal is churches that are full of people who are going people.

  • Evangelism is not a cool event or a ‘crusade’. These might help, but they are not how we define evangelism.

  • Evangelism is not handing out tracts at street corners. There’s nothing wrong with handing out tracts, only that it isn’t how evangelism is defined.

  • Evangelism is not shouting out in the streets that people are going to hell. This might be necessary in some cases, but it’s not how we define evangelism.

  • Evangelism is not knocking on doors or going to hospitals. These could form part of it, but it’s not how we define evangelism.

  • Evangelism is not a notch for your spiritual belt – God is not measuring how many people you are evangelising to, and is not more pleased with you if you evangelise more than someone else. Sharing your faith does make God happy, but it does not make him more or less pleased with you.

By now you would have noticed a trend. Evangelism is how you live your life. You have faith in Jesus and you are simply sharing that faith with others because that faith defines your life.

However, sometimes the idea that evangelism is a lifestyle can be too vague, leading us to never know how to practically share our faith. Which is why we have courses like Love Joburg to help us. Sharing our faith is a culture that we develop in our churches and in our lives over time – and it’s our prayer that we will learn and grow into this more and more.

Rich Towards God Pt2: Fear Not

by Marcus Herbert
15 May 2016 at Bedfordview AM

Download the notes

Spiritual Warfare: The Belt of Truth

by Sonja Long
11 May 2016 at KEY WOMEN Bedfordview

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Children’s Church Reflection (8 May 2016)

Many times in prayer we may have asked our Father, “Lord, let your will be done”. We can often say that without actually thinking about the consequence of this prayer and the response it needs from us. Are we willing to lay down our agenda, our method, our wishes, no matter how good they sound, if God says we ought to do things differently – His way?

This was the focus for Children’s Church this Sunday. Matthew 6:10 says, “Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”.

Our Part

Our children were taught how we, as people, feel so proud and successful when we get things right, e.g. win a game, answer correctly, fix a problem etc. We are happy that our efforts were right. But many times we are also wrong. What then? Well, we know that God’s will, His effort and plans are always right and He is always successful.

Jesus taught us to ask the Father to let His plans happen and that we would seek His plan and that we would obey, no matter how we may disagree or how strange God’s plan may sound. We looked at the example of Joshua and how God told him to march around the city of Jericho, blow their trumpet, and then the walls would fall down. Surely no person would have come up with that idea, but that was God’s plan, and Joshua asked that God’s will be done, obeyed, and the walls fell down.

So we explained that we need to speak to God, constantly seeking His plans, His thoughts, His advice and His leadership, for He will never fail.

Your Part

As you continue to pray with your children, this week begin asking God to share His will for us personally, for your family and for the Church. I believe that God will give incredible ideas to our children and to your mom and dad on how every day in our different environments, be it school or work, we can live out God’s plans.

Ask your children what they think God wants to do in different situations. Let’s all learn to seek His will first. Also, speak to your children about the faith that God gives us to obey Him, like to obey and march around the city wall.

We cannot wait to hear and see the amazing decisions that our children will make in obeying God that will impact our city with such life. Different crafts were made to remember the story of Joshua. They looked wonderful.

– Children’s Church team


by Phil Quinn
8 May 2016 at Bedfordview PM

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Dream Big

by Alexis Wadman
8 May 2016 at Bedfordview AM

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Children’s Church Reflection (1 May 2016)

As a parent, I (Greg) am sadly aware of how often my children need to call my name repeatedly to get my attention: “Dad…dad…dad…DAD!” Too often as parents we can be so distracted or busy with something that our children need to nag us for attention or repeat their requests because we were not listening.

How wonderful it is that God does not respond the way we do. God is listening to us all of the time, and He always has a response. This was the awesome truth we aimed to teach our children this weekend. God is listening to us, always. He is never too busy for us and He is never distracted that He doesn’t hear our call. He is always available to us. How comforting.

Our Part

Focusing on prayer this term, we taught the children how we pray to God, we get to call Him Father, and in this intimate relationship He is always there to listen to us. We taught how we need to be aware of what we say because God is always listening. We taught that when we pray, we are not just saying fancy words, or repeating a magical spell, but are rather speaking to our Father God who loves to listen to us because of His desire for relationship with us.

We looked at the story in Luke 11 where Jesus teaches how even a grumbling neighbour, when persisted, will respond to a request. Our Father is far more willing to hear and respond to our requests. We explained how God’s answer can be “Yes”, “No” or “Not right now” but God desires us to persist in prayer. We can trust Him and rely on Him.

Your Part

Please continue to pray with your children. This week remind them that God will always listen. Even when He seems far, He is actually near and listening. With some of their prayer requests, help them to persist in prayer. Pray for a person every day, not just once. It has been so encouraging to see the children report back on how many of their prayers have been answered by our awesome God.

Some of the classes did a craft which emphasised the idea of keeping on knocking by praying to God and knowing He will respond.

We hope you are enjoying this term as much as we are!

– Children’s Church team

The Centrality Of Jesus

by Tyrone Daniel
1 May 2016 at Bedfordview AM

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André de Villiers at Cornerstone in June

André de Villiers is a fantastic musician with a remarkable testimony – a story that’s all about God’s grace and power in one man’s life. Music-wise, he has several albums out and is well known for his work in crafting songs for TV adverts. Here are two well-known adverts that feature his music:

André writes from the heart and his songs represent his own times of difficulty and joy. It’s going to be a wonderful evening of music and snacks. This is a great opportunity to invite friends who will be open to hearing an honest, relevant story of brokenness and gratitude.

André de Villiers will be with us at Cornerstone at the following sites and events:

Sunday, 5 June | 9:30am | Rosebank

Sunday, 5 June | 6:00pm | Bedfordview

Sunday, 12 June | 9:00am | South Side

Entrance is free for all events

What is “Rich Towards God” all about?

Our new preaching series is called “Rich Towards God” – a phrase Jesus used in several parables. So what’s it about?