Written by Mark Meeske and Lance de Ruig

Recently Central Cornerstone hosted Africa Planning, an event where relating NCMI churches report-back on the work being done into Africa and plans are made for future work. It’s not a closed event and all are welcome to attend. Mark Meeske and Lance de Ruig share their experience of this year’s Africa Planning below.
Mark Meeske:
It was a real privilege to sit with men and women who not only talk about reaching and winning Africa for Jesus, but are actually doing it. It’s always inspiring to hear the stories and testimonies of how God is moving in Africa and the amazing doors that He is opening into this great continent.
What has been achieved for the King and His Kingdom in Africa is phenomenal; but it is nothing compared to what God still has in store for the nations in Africa. We surely are living in the most exciting apostolic time in history. The best truly is still to come.
This is certainly not the time to take our foot off the “apostolic accelerator”. There are churches to plant, nations to reach, a continent to change, and God has chosen to use His Church for this great purpose. As the great St. Augustine once said, “If the world is not your parish, then the parish has become your world”. What a tragedy that would be!
The Africa planning time is a wonderful reminder that the Great Commission is still alive and well; and continues to inspire us to “ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession” (Psalm 2:8). What a privilege to see people and nations transformed by the power of the Gospel.
Lance de Ruig:
God is doing incredible things in Africa. From the farthest North to the extremes of West and East, the Spirit is moving across the continent. While there are lots of people doing incredible work in Africa the old adage remains true: “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.”
As we went around the room and discussed the work that God is doing we were all encouraged, but at the same time it was glaringly obvious when looking at the map that Africa is huge and needs a lot more workers.
We have covered good ground, but there is still so much more to do, so many more adventures to go on and so many more people who need to hear about Jesus. If you are interested in getting involved there is no lack of opportunities available.