Cornerstone Church Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 30 June | Golden Calves | Guided by the Spirit


This past Sunday, we had two different preachers share with us. In first message (Golden Calves), Erin shared about how we can often create idols out of the things in our lives that may seem good, but ultimately lead us away from placing our faith in God.

In the second preach (Guided by the Holy Spirit), Shawn shared on being guided by the Holy Spirit and making sure that we walk in step with His guidance.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 23 June | Living Out and Sharing the Gospel


This past Sunday, Clint shared with us on sharing and living out the gospel.

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Cornerstone Church Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 12 May | Mother’s Day


This past Sunday we as Cornerstone Church Johannesburg wanted to honour our mothers and thank them for all they do. Mothers thank you for everything that you do and the foundations that you set in our lives even before we leave our home. Jesus is the firmest foundation, and the things we learn about Him from you is of utmost importance. The prayers that you pray over us and the examples you set mean the world to us and set us up for a future that is all about Jesus.

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Cornerstone Church Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 21 January | Fellowship with God

This Sunday Greg spoke on what it means to Fellowship with God, by looking at the story of The Prodigal Son.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 14 January | Watch your mouth & Where is your hope?


This Sunday GG spoke about the importance of our speech and conduct and Matt challenged us on consistently putting our Hope in Jesus.

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Cornerstone Church Monday Morning | 25 December | God’s Great Announcement


On Christmas Day Greg spoke about God’s great announcement.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 26 November | Thanksgiving Sunday

This week we take a break from our Acts series for a Thanksgiving meeting, where Greg looks back and acknowledges all the people and ministries that made 2023 possible and showing off God’s faithfulness to his people.

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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 17 September | Freedom of Giving


This week Marcus spoke about finances and the freedom of giving.

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Marcus Herbert: Sin Crouches at The Door

Marcus shares with us on the dangers of Sin and striving to live a life that is pleasing to God in response to the goodness of God. – 16 January 2022

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Greatness in the Kingdom

By Jonno Warmington
10 August 2014 at Bedfordview PM
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