What’s the Big Deal About Sin?

By Waldo Kruger
27 April 2014 – Sunday AM at Rosebank
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/27042014-AM-Rosebank-WK-Whats-the-big-deal-about-sin.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]


By Hennie Keyter
27 April 2014 – Sunday PM at Bedfordview
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140427-PM-HK-Restoration.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

Romans 8

By Marcus Herbert
27 April 2014 – Sunday AM at Bedfordview
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140427-AM-Bedfordview-MH-Romans-8.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

Easter 2014: Resurrection Power

By Marcus Herbert
20 April 2014 – Sunday AM at Bedfordview
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140420-MH-Easter-2014-Resurrection-Power.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

Easter 2014: Good Friday

By Marcus Herbert
18 April 2014 – Friday AM at Bedfordview
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140418-MH-Easter-2014-Good-Friday.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

Here is the video that was shown in this message:

Easter Weekend 2014 Details

This weekend we celebrate the death and resurrection of our King, Jesus. Why not break bread with your family and friends at some stage this weekend, and in your Life Groups this week? (For a resource on breaking bread and why we do it, check out our DEVOTE: Breaking Bread booklet.)

If you’re coming to visit or are a part of Cornerstone, here are the arrangements for the weekend:

  • Bedfordview will be having a Good Friday meeting at 9am. Bring hot cross buns to share!
  • All the sites will celebrate Resurrection Sunday at the usual Sunday morning meeting times of the respective site. Check out the different sites here. Uptown will also start its new series on sex and relationships on Sunday morning.
  • Bedfordview’s Sunday morning meeting will also be a family meeting (kids join us in the meeting – Cornerstone Kids will not be running).
  • There will be no evening meeting at Bedfordview.

If you’re visiting, check out the closest Cornerstone Church site in your area.

The Glory of His Love

By Waldo Kruger
13 April 2014 – Sunday AM at Rosebank
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140413-Rosebank-AM-WK-The-Glory-of-His-Love.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

Face to Face pt 3

By Mark Meeske
13 April 2014 – Sunday AM at Bedfordview
[easy_media_download url=”http://www.cornerstonechurch.co.za/Downloads/20140413-Bedfordview-AM-MM-Face-to-Face-pt3.mp3″ text=”Download MP3″ color=”blue_two” force_dl=”1″]

My Heart // My Love

Our new theme

We’ve had a fantastic season studying Jesus’ discipleship process with his twelve disciples. Our tag line for The Twelve series was “Preparing for the mission with Jesus’ disciples.” As we’ve come to the end of this series we’ve become aware that God wants to change our perceptions of mission and evangelism. In short: Evangelism needs to move from an event to a lifestyle.

We’re still working through God’s challenge to us at the beginning of this year – the challenge of seeking and saving the lost. Christ’s life can be summarised in that phrase. But if we’re honest, seeking and saving the lost is not our culture. Our culture is more about maintenance, self-centredness, and “I”.

The reality is this: if we don’t care for the lost and the fact that people are not being born again, we’ve got sick hearts. That’s why we want to focus on the heart in this next term with a theme called My Heart // My Love.

When our heart is moved with the Gospel our heart has a love for our city and the nations of the world. Inward to outward. We’re trusting God to change hearts. We’re desperate to see revived hearts which care for the lost – hearts which know, deeply, the benefits of the Gospel; hearts that urge us to pray for others and trust for real opportunities where we can share this wonderful liberating Gospel. This sharing is a lifestyle.

How we’ll be doing this

The My Heart // My Love preaching series will take place across the sites and we’ll also be running Equipping Courses on evangelism on Wednesday Nights at Bedfordview. Elders and some of the deacons will be taking teams out to practically engage people with the Gospel. We want to provide some practical learning opportunities like Jesus did with his twelve disciples.

With Easter and voting day (7 May) the term will be structured a little differently in the beginning. We’ll let you know how the dates are going to work out so keep your ear to the ground about that.

As always, thank you for your partnership, friendship and passion. It’s such a wonderful privilege serving our King together with you.

– Marcus and the elders

All Sites Celebration – 13 April

We’re having our first All Sites Celebration of 2014 on Sunday, 13 April at Bedfordview!

Kicks off at 5pm!

All Sites Celebration is when we all get together from across Johannesburg and celebrate.

If you’ve never been to Bedfordview before, here’s the address and a map:

Cornerstone Church Bedfordview
Benard Road East,