Tag Archive for: Hark! in the Park 2012

Hark! in the Park a Great Way to End the Year

by Ryan Strydom
Hark in the Park photo 2012

See all the photos at our Facebook page

All of last week I had a keen eye on the weather, wondering about the Sunday’s Hark! in the Park and the looming rain that just didn’t disappear from the weather report. When Sunday came it was pretty much as they predicted. And after the amazing time I had at last year’s Hark! in the Park – I won’t forget the sun setting as the carols started and how I thought to myself, “I’ll take a summer African Christmas over a winter one any day” – I felt somewhat disappointed that it was going to have to be indoors this year.

But my fears were all proved wrong as things kicked off. Despite the gloomy rain outside and the chill, the market was brilliant, the food warm and wonderful, and above all the singers were amazing. I took my hat off to them (quite literally, actually, as I had been bought a hat at one of the stalls!)

When we arrived there was already a buzz in the air as everyone checked out the goodies at the market. I even got some Christmas presents from my very generous family! The kids were running about, clearly enjoying themselves even though there was less space to get up to mischief, and with a delicious, warm pancake in one hand and my wife’s warmer hand in the other, we snuggled down to enjoy the choir’s marvellous voices as they led us in worship to our King and the team presented the True Story of Christmas.

This is why I’ve enjoyed Hark! in the Park over the years. We’re not just belting out a couple of traditional songs and getting the whole Christmas thing done. Every year there’s been a real sense of worship and God’s presence at the event. By the time “Oh Holy Night” comes, I feel like I’ve gone back to my First Love again – Jesus. A fire in my heart for Jesus, the Kingdom and the Gospel is once again ignited and I remember just how much the world and history changed – for ever – when Jesus was born in poverty two thousand years ago.

Thanks guys for a wonderful end to the year. Loved it!

Check out all the photos for Hark! in the Park 2012 at our Facebook page.